Wednesday, September 11, 2013

My Dog, The Genius

If you ever fail the first time you try something.

Walk around the obstacle, instead of over.
Paw at things that frustrate you.
Lay down and look out the window.

Then try, try again.

I know he's only in Level 2, but I'm thinking Harvard.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Warrior Of The Week: A New Series

It is with great satisfaction that I announce the birth of a brand new series on this blog: Warrior Of The Week. 

 Each week I will profile one individual who has gone the extra mile to make an impression on me that week.  A Warrior Of The Week will laugh in the face of common courtesy, pale at the idea of common sense, and strive in every fiber of their being to never be...common.  A Warrior Of the Week is fighting the rarest kind of fight, the one that no one else quite understands.  My dear friends, I give you the Warrior Of The Week. 

Warrior Of The Week: September 9th

April, The Bikini Waxer

I knew that April deserved the inaugural Warrior title the moment I met her.  The moment in May 2012 that I introduced myself and that I had bought her online coupon for 3 bikini waxes.  Somehow when I said "I bought your coupon for 3 bikini waxes" she heard "I bought your coupon for a year of unlimited bikini waxes."  She never bothered to confirm my coupon number, so she is still giving me unlimited free bikini waxes.  17 months later.  

I want to feel bad, but over the past few months I have paid for it in other ways.  There was, of course, the time that April moved locations and didn't bother informing me.  Or the four times that she cancelled my appointment last minute and asked me if I could come in instead at 7:30am on a Saturday.  To which, I guiltily had to agree.

But nothing compares to the ambush of March 2013.  When, without my prior approval, I was used as an instructional piece for a brand new esthetician, Anita, who had just graduated from esthetician school and was yet to wax a real person.  I don't remember everything about that experience, but I do remember some of the narration: "Anita, it is very important that you know what is going to be most painful for your client.  Ok, Emily, was that [insert ripping] more or less painful than this [insert ripping]?"  It reminded me of an eye doctor appointment: "Ok, Emily, which is more clear? Option 2 or option 3?".  April imparted her deep, deep knowledge onto Anita that day, while in my head I repeated the refrain: "she might be the dumbest person ever, but at least it is free."

After each appointment, April asks me how many waxes I have left on my coupon.  And I tell her that I just can't remember.  She honestly can't remember either, she says.  So we set up the next appointment. 

Warrior Of The Week, I salute you.  You fight on in the face of technology that schedules and monitors appointments and sales.  You don't play by the traditional rules of business practices.  Fight on, fight on!

[UPDATE (10/4/13): Turns out I'm too lazy to have a weekly commitment such as this one.  Whoops.]