Saturday, June 15, 2013

Cirque Du Swim

While in Vegas, one must see a show.  After hearing resounding reviews, Jo, Tom and I decided on Absinthe.  Absinthe is a smaller production, with only ten rows of seats in the round.  The lady who sold us the tickets asked us nicely if we were "easily offended" - which would be to put it mildly.  This is definitely an adult show.  It has crazy cirque du soleil-like acts, raunchy humor, and unexpected-ness around every turn.  Including a topless woman who put her entire body inside a balloon.  We loved it.  Like, a lot. 

So, after witnessing some incredible acrobatic moves in the show...

Jo and I felt really empowered to prove that we could also be acrobats.  The results speak for themselves: Yes. Yes, we truly can do anything we dream of.

Once we mastered these moves, we dabbled in the world of synchronized swimming:

I would like to extend an extra special thank you to Tom Lucas, our synchronized swimming sponsor.  He not only provided invaluable feedback, but he tolerated two adult women screaming at him from the middle of the Wynn Encore luxury pool (it WAS closing time...): "TOM GET THE CAMERA! OMG TOM DID YOU GET A REALLY GOOD PICTURE OF OUR LAST MOVE? IT FELT REALLY GOOD, DID IT LOOK REALLY GOOD?  SHOULD WE DO IT ONE MORE TIME JUST TO MAKE SURE IT LOOKED GOOD ON CAMERA? NO? OK, LET'S DO IT AGAIN ANYWAY." 

Tom, what a joy it was spending these days with you and your sharp English wit.

My dearest Joanna, synchronized swimming is not possible with only one aqua-strian.  I will forever rest my nose plugs and flippers until we can once again be reunited in our truest setting.  A public pool.  
I miss you already. 

Carmen Came To Vegas

For those of you who haven't met her, Carmen is my drunk alter ego.  She is a distant relative of Coco, if you have ever had the joy of meeting Coco.  Carmen shares few personality traits with Emily, which is why we refer to her in the 3rd person. 

You may remember hearing reference to the birth of Carmen in my post "Hello, My Name is Carmen".  If not, I will give you a quick synopsis.  A man in a bar told me once that I resembled Carmen Sandiego because I was wearing a red coat and had brown hair.  At the time, I took this to be quite offensive and I made a scene in the bar, made all my group leave immediately.  The next day, I realized that Carmen had been born...and she can be a bit dramatic.

I'm not a big drinker, so Carmen doesn't come out that often.  But when she does, she is extremely friendly, super sassy and also unnecessarily rude at random moments.  She's not outrageous, but she does things that Emily would never do. True to her namesake, Carmen has made recent international and national appearances in Kosovo, Northern Ireland, Washington, DC...and now, Las Vegas. 

On Wednesday evening, Tom, Jo and I saw the show Absinthe at Ceasar's Palace.  It was fantastic.  And to really get into the mood, Jo and I enjoyed some tequila and vodka before the show. 

At some point during the show Carmen emerged.  I know this because I heard her loudly cat calling the hot Asian man in the show (with Jo's encouragement, mind you). After the show, we meandered over to the Paris hotel, where we found that vodka red bulls were on sale.  Carmen is all about a sale, so we couldn't pass that up.  However, we didn't really feel like hanging out at the Paris, so we concocted a plan to sneak out of the hotel with our fresh drinks in hand.  Jo and Carmen were super proud of their successful sneakiness.

On the walk home, Carmen created the very popular "Guess My Accent" game, in which she approaches random people on the street late at night and asks them to speak a few sentences.  Did I say she approaches people?  I mean, she stands directly in their way until they agree to talk to her.  Then, Tom, Jo and Carmen try to guess where that person is from.  It was a huge success.  We got accents from Bosnia, Dubai, Utah and Minnesota.  

The night ended back at our hotel in the casino where Carmen aggressively trolled the 3:30am crowd for eligible bachelors, and Jo unwittingly started talking to a pair of prostitutes.  

Jo: "These girls I'm talking to are so nice!  They live and work here in Vegas and they really like my dress.  For some reason they are just arriving at the bar at 3:30am to talk to these guys.  How nice."
Carmen: "Yeah, uh huh.  Ok.  So this guy over here from Kentucky seems nice, but I can tell he still lives at home with his parents.  He didn't tell me that or anything, but I can just guess. I just blew him off, so we have to hide now."
Jo: "Carmen, he can still hear you. He's about 6 inches away." 
Carmen: "Totes."

After about 12 drinks, 2 baskets of onion rings, and some practice acrobatic moves for Tom, we found our beds.  And can you believe it, I did not manage to stomach a drop of alcohol again all trip?  

And when Tom tried for round two of "Guess My Accent" the next day, I was way, way too shy for that business...until Carmen's next trip. 

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

12 Years Later...Vegas!

Happy 12 Year Anniversary to my best friend for life, Joanna Claire Noble Lucas.  Turns out these two ruffians first met 12 years ago on a bus in NYC. 

I was lucky enough to join Jo and her new hubby Tom on the final leg of their journey through the Wild West.  We met up for 4 days in Las Vegas!

Tom and Jo picked me up from the Las Vegas airport after being lost for about an hour, although they had a GPS speaking English to them.  I learned really quickly that British people are easily entertained.  Tom immediately took it upon himself to wipe the car windows at the gas station, while Jo watched avidly from inside the car.  Apparently, the small kindness of a squeegee and bucket of gross luke-warm water has escaped the Europeans. 

After Tom cleaned the car, but before returning said car, we drove over to check out the Hoover Dam.  It is enormous, very beautiful, and extremely hot and windy.  Some nerdy engineers in my party wanted to learn the sciency and mathy bits of the dam, which proved mildly interesting to even a muggle like me. 

Our downtime in Vegas was pretty awesome over the next few days.  We got introduced to our king suites at the Encore Wynn hotel.  I don't know if I can adequately put into words how much I loved this suite.  And the fact that it was super cheap because we were staying mid-week.  When I described it to my mother, she responded that I would need to pick up a man to keep me company in that suite.  Don't worry, I reminded her that I'm no hussy. And that it's awkward for her to encourage promiscuity. 

We enjoyed the pools, toured the strip, visited all the hotels, devoured some delectable cuisine and...

...we saw Macklemore chilling in the casino at our hotel.  Macklemore!  As in this guy:

I immediately went into shock.  I hid behind Jo and kept peaking around her to stare at him.  I am a super duper monster of a fan.  But I didn't know what to do!  So while other people were asking him for pictures, I just hyperventilated and cowered behind a slot machine.  Once I got up to my room, I held my head in my hands and felt like a first class idiot. The entire situation was not helped by the fact that Tom and Jo couldn't properly remember his name and continued to call him Mackleroy.  

For the rest of our trip, whenever we walked through the casino we would refer to it as "The Scene of the Crime".  Perhaps it was this timidity in me that encouraged Carmen to make an appearance the following night...

Sunday, June 9, 2013

85 Reasons I Love Gramma

June 8th was Gramma's 85th birthday. 
For those of us who know and love her, we feel infinitely grateful to have her in our lives. 
To honor this incredible lady, I put together 85 reasons why I love her.  

She’s had the same hairstyle for 65 years
She really loves tuna salad
I know that she would get me out of jail
She drinks whiskey
She makes a great hotel roommate; she always stays quiet until I want to wake up
She was the First Lady of Littleton
She always waits until drunk Katie leaves to laugh at her
She always reassures me that someone is out there for me

Sometimes at night she runs the red light on Mississippi and Colorado
One time her husband accidentally shot a moose and she helped him cover it up
She can get any stain out
She always waits downstairs for me to drive up when I’m coming over
She has a 6th sense on betting on horses
She is a great host
She allows us to ask her dumb and obvious questions about golf
She knows every employee at “her Kings”
She has at least one picture of every member of the family up in her house
She’s visited me at every school I’ve attended (elementary, middle, high, college, study abroad in England)
She comes to everything we invite her to

She tolerates our dogs
She would never trust her important mail to her apartment mailbox
She is a great shopping companion
She yells “SUSAN!” when my mom gets out of line
She is a safe and competent driver
She cried laughing at the idea of Katie having twins
Her church has a donkey on Palm Sunday
Everyone at the post office knows her
She loved showing off her snow village to my dog
Takes on leadership positions (VP of her condo board, deacon at church and organizer of high school reunions)

She has great style and loves colorful clothes
She has heels that she only wears on special occasions
She doesn’t need a cell phone.  Or voicemail.
She still recognizes my voice over the phone
When the whole family is fighting at the dinner table, she pretends she doesn’t notice
She switches between her glasses and sunglasses without ever misplacing either pair
She always has a spare Kleenex or chapstick
She loves candy too
She tells me that sometimes when a pillow is hard, it’s as hard as “two rocks”
She always tells me that I look good in shoes
If she doesn’t like what I’m wearing, she will say “I just don’t like that too well”

She rocks a robe like none other
She is always down for an action movie
She is never late
She loves her kids
She brags about her grandkids and great-grandkids to anyone who’ll listen
She never draws attention to herself
She always provides her own drinks
She makes awesome potatoes and coffee cake
As a child, she always let me choose between the hard and soft pillows when I stayed over
She uses hats as decorative art
She answers my NCIS questions for me

She was a loyal wife
She likes some foods, but they don’t like her back (cantaloupe, onions)
She calls me baby doll  
She loves my dad a lot
She gossips
She has worked so many different jobs
She taught me how to pack using tissue paper layers
She follows sports more closely than anyone I know
She lets me look through all her old pictures
She has started giving away all her possessions
She understands the necessity of wearing clear nail polish all the time
She’s travelled the world
She is so supportive of everyone’s interests
She still keeps in touch with her high school friends
She is financially responsible
She loves Colorado as much as I do
She shows me off when I come to her church
She is a staple of Old Littleton
If she doesn’t like the food she’s been served, she doesn’t say anything
She has helped me get through airport security faster
She is never jealous
She loves gambling

I’ve never heard her say a mean word about her husband
She always remembers everyone’s birthday
She lets Bear and Marley run up and down her hallways
She remembers my friends and asks me about them
She sends me a Hallmark card for every single holiday
One time she threw the car keys into the mailbox
She always has a reason to call and gets right to it
Through her eyes, I’ve come to see Denver through the decades
She is a celebrity in Lenola, Italy
She is always willing to share a pop with me
She attends everyone’s performances, concerts, presentations, slide shows, lectures and events with a smile on her face and nothing but kind words.  She is the definition of a loving and supportive grandmother.