Sunday, May 19, 2013

Bopper's Birthday


A very happy 2nd birthday to Bear, and to his best friend Copper.  And after all the fun of Cinco de Bearo last year, we decided to expand the party for year 2 to celebrate the insanity that is Bopper (Bear + Copper).

I wonder sometimes about traditions.  
How are traditions made? 
 How many times do you have to do something before it becomes your tradition? 
 Do you intend to create traditions, or do traditions find you? 

If Bear's birthday brings together families, friends, and pinatas every year, then that sounds like a tradition worth keeping.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Gramma, Grappa, Goodbars, and A Chihuahua Dressed Like Michael Jackson

Happy Mother's Day and a big high five to all the women out there who put their heart and soul into their children.  (And a second high five to all the women out there without kids, but who still put their heart and soul into bettering the world in other awesome ways.)

Per our prerogative to make an event out of every possible holiday, the Kinghorn family united last Sunday to celebrate the mothers in our lives.  It was a gorgeous afternoon, full of dramatic sunlight, ice cream sundaes, and spontaneous laughter. 

Without my mother, grandmother, and aunt our family would not be the thriving, unpredictable, incredible animal that it is.  To show our respect and gratitude, the rest of us provided offerings of chihuahua-dressed-as-Michael-Jackson cards, king sized favorite candy bars, exhausted grand-dogs, and lots and lots of grappa.  
And you know when my dad brings out the straight-from-Italy grappa that it's a special event. 

I want to officially and publicly thank you Mom and Gramma.  You don't only bring out the best in our family, you bring out the best in me. 

Friday, May 10, 2013


Well, no, I would not say that things have gotten much better with my favorite high school antagonist, Pedro, over the past two years.  You might remember said student from my very famous blog post "I Hate Pedro".  

When asked to write his own sentence using the vocabulary word "copious", he turned this in:

My first thought: he correctly formed an adverb by adding -ly all on his own!   I guess some of the things that I "yell" at him might actually be penetrating that defiant skull of his.  

This is one proud wicked witch.