Sunday, July 21, 2013

I Went Sky-y-y-diving!

There is no such thing as a traditional trip to visit Nadia, because Nadia is not a traditional friend.  She loves to question me, challenge me, and never takes no for an answer.  For some reason, I always find myself partaking in dangerous athletic activities when we are together.  The scars down my body reflect my many outdoor adventures with the Brouillette family - and no one will ever forget the time Nadia smacked me in the head with her paddle while rafting some pretty precarious rapids. 

During a conversation about our bucket lists*, I mentioned that I've always wanted to go skydiving.  It was music to Nadia's ears.  Within 24 hours, I was being belted into a harness by my petit-sized skydiving instructor, Dustin Swagger (legal name). 

*Quick aside about bucket lists.  I have always thought the term referred to actual buckets that cute old people carried around the nursing home that were full of  trinkets of their life experiences.  When I heard that a bucket list is a list of things to do before you "kick the bucket", I was horrified.  What a downer! I'm sticking with my darling old people and their buckets. 

So, I went skydiving with Dustin.  When I questioned the fact that I didn't go through any training beforehand Dustin explained that no one ever remembers that training once they leap out of a plane at 13,000 feet, so he skipped it.  Awesome, I thought. 

When I say that I went skydiving with Dustin, I really mean that my hair and I went skydiving with Dustin.  

True, wearing a hairnet could have been a good idea for me, but then we would never have got these pictures!  Thanks for being a sport, Dustin.  

Here's to things that challenge you, experiences that you'll never get over, and friends who won't take no for an answer. 

Here's a video of the jump too!

1 comment:

  1. AHHH!!! SO COOL!!!! Next on the list has to be the parachute landing guy into Mile High Stadium. :)
