For those of you who haven't met her, Carmen is my drunk alter ego. She is a distant relative of Coco, if you have ever had the joy of meeting Coco. Carmen shares few personality traits with Emily, which is why we refer to her in the 3rd person.
You may remember hearing reference to the birth of Carmen in my post "Hello, My Name is Carmen". If not, I will give you a quick synopsis. A man in a bar told me once that I resembled Carmen Sandiego because I was wearing a red coat and had brown hair. At the time, I took this to be quite offensive and I made a scene in the bar, made all my group leave immediately. The next day, I realized that Carmen had been born...and she can be a bit dramatic.
I'm not a big drinker, so Carmen doesn't come out that often. But when she does, she is extremely friendly, super sassy and also unnecessarily rude at random moments. She's not outrageous, but she does things that Emily would never do. True to her namesake, Carmen has made recent international and national appearances in Kosovo, Northern Ireland, Washington, DC...and now, Las Vegas.
On Wednesday evening, Tom, Jo and I saw the show Absinthe at Ceasar's Palace. It was fantastic. And to really get into the mood, Jo and I enjoyed some tequila and vodka before the show.
At some point during the show Carmen emerged. I know this because I heard her loudly cat calling the hot Asian man in the show (with Jo's encouragement, mind you). After the show, we meandered over to the Paris hotel, where we found that vodka red bulls were on sale. Carmen is all about a sale, so we couldn't pass that up. However, we didn't really feel like hanging out at the Paris, so we concocted a plan to sneak out of the hotel with our fresh drinks in hand. Jo and Carmen were super proud of their successful sneakiness.
On the walk home, Carmen created the very popular "Guess My Accent" game, in which she approaches random people on the street late at night and asks them to speak a few sentences. Did I say she approaches people? I mean, she stands directly in their way until they agree to talk to her. Then, Tom, Jo and Carmen try to guess where that person is from. It was a huge success. We got accents from Bosnia, Dubai, Utah and Minnesota.
The night ended back at our hotel in the casino where Carmen aggressively trolled the 3:30am crowd for eligible bachelors, and Jo unwittingly started talking to a pair of prostitutes.
Jo: "These girls I'm talking to are so nice! They live and work here in Vegas and they really like my dress. For some reason they are just arriving at the bar at 3:30am to talk to these guys. How nice."
Carmen: "Yeah, uh huh. Ok. So this guy over here from Kentucky seems nice, but I can tell he still lives at home with his parents. He didn't tell me that or anything, but I can just guess. I just blew him off, so we have to hide now."
Jo: "Carmen, he can still hear you. He's about 6 inches away."
Carmen: "Totes."
After about 12 drinks, 2 baskets of onion rings, and some practice acrobatic moves for Tom, we found our beds. And can you believe it, I did not manage to stomach a drop of alcohol again all trip?
And when Tom tried for round two of "Guess My Accent" the next day, I was way, way too shy for that business...until Carmen's next trip.
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