The shooting in Aurora, CO last Friday has shaken my country, my state and my community. As a teacher in Aurora Public Schools - indeed, at a school minutes from the scene - this tragedy has hit home particularly hard for me.
Today I visited the Aurora shooting memorial. Sadly, I've seen many memorials in my life, from Columbine High School to Washington, DC to Rwanda, Sudan and Kosovo. Never have I experienced a memorial scene with such fresh grieving and abundant tears. The fact that I ran into students and colleagues there made this moment even more haunting.
What an unspeakable tragedy. What a time to be thankful for our lives.

I am rarely a political blogger, but I feel the need.
Fuck the gun lobby.
Under no circumstances should any civilian man, woman or child be able to purchase a semi automatic weapon. EVER.
Politicians of all parties: I don't care about your chances of getting re-elected. Their blood is on your hands.
Fix this.
May they rest in peace.
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