Saturday, June 2, 2012

The House That Built Me

I said goodbye to a very dear friend this week. 
 My house. 
Well, not the house I grew up in.  But the house that turned me from a college kid still on her parents' insurance to a self-sufficient grown adult. The house where I got to live with my sister, her husband, and my best friend in the best location in town.

I want to take a moment and recognize something incredible. 
Here are a few highlights from my four years on 5th and Odgen:

Reconnected with my sister after years of barely knowing each other, only to become best friends
Came to love my future brother-in-law
Met Alyssa for the first time

Became a teacher
 Brought home Baby Bear
Found out I was gluten intolerant
 Lived with 5 different roommates
Watched my sister get proposed to (on the front lawn)
Celebrated my parents' 30th anniversary (in the back yard) 
 Held a viewing party for the Royal Wedding
Got my heart broken
Bear and Marley celebrated their first birthdays
Met some really great coworkers/friends for life
Watched 10 complete seasons of The Bachelor/Bachelorette/Bachelor Pad
Cried through 2 of Alyssa's birthday parties
Threw some wild parties
Turned 23, 24, 25, and 26
Let Lime's margaritas get the best of me
Watched my sister get married
 Tillie Toto died after12 years
Graduated with my Master's degree
Got a tattoo
Threw Katie's Bachelorette Party in the living room
Got introduced to Coco's dance moves
 Managed to not run over the DAMN YORKIES that are always in the street 
Overcome so many childhood fears, only to find new scary adult ones
Found a great support system and community
 Yup, pretty much everything important happened in this house.  

But the best part is that everything that made this house great - I get to take with me. 

Here's to the next four years.


  1. Very good moments!
    Definitely makes me homesick for Denver and Emily-time!

  2. I love everything about this. The title is perfect and the end is too.
    You're great--and your next chapter will be too.
