Monday, February 27, 2012

So, Anyway

I have always been intrigued by the concept of "So, Anyway" friends.  
Those people that you don't see every month, or even every year.  
You might miss birthdays, or haircuts.  You might miss boyfriends, or jobs.  
Before you connect again. 
 Yet, once you do connect, all you have to say is...So, Anyway...

This summer I will travel the world with three of my So, Anyways.

I invite you to celebrate with me what will definitely be one of the best summers of my life. 

Joanna Claire Noble

I sat behind her on a bus, and I knew that I had found my soulmate.
She is born and bred in County Fermanagh, Northern Ireland.
We fell in love at Camp Rising Sun in 2001; spending hours at the peanut butter and jelly snack counter. 
We have survived many challenges...including:
- the year that my mother bought us all matching ear-warmers for Christmas
- my 20th birthday when I passed out in the bus lane in Nottingham, UK and then crawled under Claire's bed and threw up (shhhhhh, it's a secret, don't tell her!)(I blame the sambuca)
- the summer in Italy we spent trying to prove that one can lick one's elbow
Looking forward to conquering Paris with you.  
And also that little event in September, oh yeah, your wedding!

The last time I saw you, my love, you hadn't even met your fiance yet..
hmm...Sooooo, Anyway...
Nicola Buhler
We were always meant to be friends. Across the ocean.
My mother met Gaby, from Germany, when she was a young woman living in Paris.
Years later they each gave birth to a daughter in the same year.  
We grew up together as children.

We travel together as adults.

Next up in June 2012: a house boat adventure in France
 to celebrate our mothers' 60th birthdays!

Unable to speak the same language, we did not have a conversation until we were 18. 
Thank you, Nicola, for mastering English. 
Although I enjoyed it when you screamed at me in German. 
After 18 years, all we needed to say was: So, Anyway... 
Allison K Peterson
My other half. 
Who moved to Kosovo.
Leaving me to do yoga airplane moves alone in front of my students.
Who taught me everything I need to know about teaching. 
  Who dressed up as Mass Hysteria to my Swine Floozy.
Who convinced me to get a tattoo with you.
Who I once watched an ABC family movie with via speaker phone. 
Who inserted "I mean", "XOXO", and "Why am I...right now?" into my daily conversation.
Who will show me around Kosovo, Albania, Macedonia and Prague this summer.

Who I have talked to only three times since you moved, 
but we haven't missed a moment. 

So, Anyway...

1 comment:

  1. Your blog looks so good! Love the post too! I really hope you blog the whole trip, so I will feel like I'm globetrotting too:)
