Things are getting out of hand. I might be having too much fun.
Friday night was a girls night extraordinaire. After two months apart, Emily and Alyssa were reunited with downtown Denver. And we made up for lost time. The video of our dance floor moves is priceless.
I am just so thankful that upon return to our house at 2am, I decided to put on some comfy clothes, cook myself a 4 course meal and watch 3 hours of television. What was I thinking? Two hours of Celebrity Apprentice reruns? Really? I need supervision.
Needless to say, waking up at 7am was a shock to the system. But, it was COLOR RUN day! Obviously, my Celebrity Apprentice marathon turned the Color Run into a Color Walk.
Either way, it was a blast. What could be better than throwing color at strangers as they attempt to run past you? Nothing.
Don't worry. I went home and got straight back into bed.
Alyssa and I are moving out of our amazing home in 3 days. Which is bittersweet for all involved. We threw a house cooling party that night to celebrate our years together at 1005 E. 5th.
Plus, I get a Kinghorn family BBQ?
Ok, Memorial Day. You've won me over.
Now I need a nap.